Saturday, July 25, 2020

12 Candida Diet-Friendly Recipes That Youd Never Guess Are Healthy

12 Candida Diet-Friendly Recipes That You’d Never Guess Are Healthy Taking care of what we eat has always been important. Eating unhealthy foods leads to many various disorders that can contribute to some, even more difficult, diseases.Today, eating consciously has even become a trend. It is fashionable if you are following a certain type of diet.There is a mania of various new diets each year, all presented as the ultimate diet for this and that.There are upsides in this, though. People are reconnecting with nature and trying to find natural cures for certain ailments.There’s a cure in a vegetable, herb or meat, you just need to know what to eat for which ailment.Luckily, it has never been easier to come across those pieces of information, as all you need to do is Google it.Following a specific diet for a certain ailment has proven helpful on many occasions including digestive issues, detoxing, skin conditions, and even Candida.Note: do not start a specific diet plan before consulting with your doctor, if for no other reason, and then at least for being sure that you have a specific condition that requires a diet change.WHAT IS CANDIDA?Candida (many of its species, as there isnt just one) is yeast normally found in the peoples digestive system, mouth and skin.If the conditions are normal, Candida will just exist there without causing any problems.However, if the conditions change a condition called Candidiasis-overgrowth of Candida, develops. It can show as a skin rash, thrush in the mouth (whitish patches on the tongue), urogenital system, internal organs like spleen, liver, and pancreas, esophagus and so on.In itself, Candida is not dangerous; however, it can show as a consequence for other, more severe conditions.For example, people with diabetes are more susceptible to Candidiasis.There are various reasons (aside from diabetes) that can be the cause of Candida infection: weakened immune system (and any condition that causes it:  sleep deprivation, chemotherapy, HIV, other viruses and so on), gut imbalances (lack of healt hy bacteria-probiotics, leaky gut syndrome), inappropriate stomach acidity and so on.Many people, however, find that sugar-rich nutrition and stress are what is causing their Candidiasis.If you are wondering why sugar just remember how we prepare bread we add sugar to the yeast and sugar feeds the yeast so it expands- this all happens in our bodies as well.Stress causes gut imbalances, which, in turn, provides for Candida infections.In order to know whether you should consider Candida treatment, you should first be sure that you have it (CANDIDA DIET is pretty restrictive, so why put yourself through it if there is no need?).Your doctor should test you for it, and some people claim that there are legitimate home tests that can help you determine if you have oral Candidiasis. It is a very persistent ailment as it can return after the treatment, especially if the root cause of it has not been taken care of. In this case, you would be kicking the Candida out of your system by using an tifungals and following a special diet, but the Candida will come back as soon as you stop the diet because the main reason for the overgrowth is still there. WHAT ARE THE CANDIDA DIET-FRIENDLY FOODS?We have already mentioned that a Candida diet is very restrictive, so what are the foods you cannot eat if you are on a Candida diet?First of all, no sugar- in its refined form and even maple syrup, honey, and fruits which are rich in sugar.You should avoid grains as the carbohydrates break down into sugar, alcohol (also contains a lot of sugar), Gluten and almost all dairy products (except for products like Kefir which is rich in probiotics).What can you eat, then? It seems that there is a small choice of foods. In addition, being on a diet usually leaves you craving exactly that what you cannot eat.The basic rule is- keep the digestive system healthy. Probiotic-rich foods, fermented foods, fiber-rich foods are the way to go.Studies have shown that paleo or vegan diets have a good impa ct on Candidiasis, of course, some changes have to be made in order to appropriate the diets to the Candida diet plan.If you are a vegetarian, and not eating meat, you have to load up on nutrients from the plants.It is especially difficult with the Candida diet, as one of the main sources of food are grains and fruits that should be avoided.Here is a list of 12 tasty foods that will make being on a diet easier.1. Vegetable OmeletOmelet is a favorite breakfast food. It is rich in nutrients and is keeping you full for a long time it is great for the start of the day.To make it even more delicious you can chop up some red and yellow pepper, scallion (green and white parts), add some garlic (powder or fresh).Season it with salt and pepper to taste, fry and serve.You can make egg muffins with this mixture as well. Fill up muffin tray halfway and put it in the oven. The eggs will puff up and give you the same well-known omelet in a new form.Serve with kefir or guacamole. Guacamole will co mplement the eggs as avocados go well with them, and guacamole is essentially avocado, onions, garlic, and a little lemon juice and cilantro mixed together.This combination is a great breakfast option rich in healthy fatty acids and protein.2. Oven Roasted Chicken with VegetablesThis Candida diet food is an alternative to the good old chicken with roast potatoes.As potatoes are full of starch (Starch is a complex sugar, it breaks down to simple sugars in the digestion process and in such a way, feeds the fungi in question).It is extremely easy to prepare and you can play with tastes and textures as there is no wrong way to do this.You can take an entire chicken and put in in the oven on top of vegetables that will bake alone, or even fill the inside of the chicken with the vegetables.You can also choose to use only drumsticks or white meat, in a chunk or sliced and mixed with the vegetables.The outcome is delicious no matter what.As for the vegetables, use whatever you have laying a round, combine peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, onions, and carrots.Do not chop the vegetables too thinly.Add some oil, sesame oil for example, but not too much, and if you decided to go with chopped up chicken, use some water as well. Roast for about half an hour and it is done.Enjoy an easy, quick meal that will leave you feeling full and satisfied.3. Celery SoupIt is a creamy, heartwarming soup for cold days, or the days you need hearty comfort foods.Celery soup is made of a paste of the celery root or celeriac (pay attention that it actually has nothing to do with the celery stick plants.It has a taste similar to parsley, only a little sharper.So the soup can turn out to be on the scale of spicier soups.You would need to blend the celery to make a paste before you put it in the pot where you have previously chopped up (or blended) some leek, and fried it a little.If you would like this soup to be sweeter, you can add a paste of half an apple.For additional taste, add thyme as it enh ances the celerys taste.Season it with some salt and pepper to taste. Add about 1.2 liters of water, and cook until it reaches the desired density.This soup is great for helping digestion, and celery is low on starch so it does not feed the fungi you are trying to expel from your system.4. Vegetable SaladOne of the main principles of the Candida diet is keeping it simple.And what is the simplest way to go in this case if not with a vegetable salad?The options in front of you are endless. You can combine many vegetables that you like; depending on the season you can use various fresh vegetables.Add a little avocado or even sardines for a richer meal.Season with apple cider vinegar or a squeeze of lemon juice; add salt and fresh herbs if you like.In wintertime, when the fresh vegetables are scarce, you can eat marinated vegetables, such as kimchi. They are rich in probiotics and aid digestion.For meat lovers, there is a variety of combinations, just try to avoid adding something that is on the no-no list of Candida diet.Chicken, turkey, salmon, lamb or beef, combined with your favorite vegetables make for a delicious dinner or lunch option, without you feeling you are on a diet.CANDIDA-FRIENDLY MEALS WITH MEAT5. Chicken CurryIt can pretty much be your regular chicken curry made in a slow cooker.Thinly sliced skinless chicken chunks should be cooked, add some vegetables like red and yellow peppers, add quinoa seeds as well.Use coconut oil as it is very good in fighting fungal infections (taken orally, or applied on the skin or mucous tissue).For curry sauce, you can use an already made paste from a brand that you are familiar with and which guarantees that the product is gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free.It usually contains tomato paste for the desired density, so it adds to the variety of tastes introducing sour taste.Check the label just in case for additives and sugar.You can add a little chili powder or chop up fresh chili pepper if you desire a spicier taste.And, if you are a skilled cook, or you like your curry homemade, give it a try.Serve it with your favorite vegetable salad. Fresh cucumber salad exceptionally complements the tastes in the curry.6. Zucchini Beef MoussakaIt is a dish inspired by Greek food.The variety of spices you would be using adds to the taste and some of them, like oregano, have antifungal properties to boot.Peel and slice the zucchini in circles and place it n the pan in one layer.Put the sautéed minced beef that you have previously seasoned to taste like the next layer.Continue until you have made 3 or 4 layers of both, top with zucchini.Use battered eggs to spill over the moussaka before baking.For added texture, you can mix some sesame seeds in the meat, and sprinkle some over the top layer of zucchini.Bake in the oven until the zucchini is done.Serve with some probiotic-rich yogurt or kefir, or a delicious tomato salad.7. Salmon BurgersOkay, yes, you will eat it without the buns, however, the richnes s of tastes that combine together will not leave you unsatisfied, and you will not crave fast food if you are one of those people that enjoy an occasional burger.You will need salmon (it is a clear-water fish, if you catch it yourself, or purchase it from a trusted vendor on a market, you will be absolutely sure that there are no additives added to preserve the meat), garlic, parsley, sesame oil, some apple cider vinegar, chopped scallions and eggs to keep the mixture blended.Deep fry it in coconut oil, and serve with a fresh seasonal salad like lettuce or baby spinach.CANDIDA-FRIENDLY SWEETSSweet tooth, anyone? Usually, when you are on a diet and all you need to do is lose weight, you have to cut out refined sugar but you are still allowed to eat fruits.However, Candida feeds on sugars, even those healthy ones like fructose, so you are left with no desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth.Luckily, there are recipes for sweets that you are allowed to eat during the fight against Candida .8. Avocado Chocolate MousseChocolate is the ultimate guilty pleasure of many people.So how do you go for months without tasting any?Even the high percent cacao, bitter chocolates have sugar in them so you cannot cheat your way through diet.The answer lies in cacao.Avocado chocolate mousse is not exactly chocolate, as it only contains some cacao powder.You can add it to the mashed avocado as much as you like 1 to 2 tablespoons is a usual measure for one large avocado. For additional taste, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.It is great due to its antifungal properties, and it sweetens the mixture.If you need your mousse to be sweeter, use stevia as an alternative to sugar.Cool it down in the fridge and enjoy your guilt-free Candida-diet-friendly dessert.9. PancakesYes, pancakes. It is almost unbelievable that you can enjoy pancakes on a Candida diet.This all-time favorite breakfast food is within your reach if you make just a few adjustments.First of all, you will use coconut fl our instead of your usual flour.Pay attention to the fact that coconut flour is denser and in that way more difficult to cook.However, adjust the density of your pancake mixture. It is a learning process so you might have to add more milk or more flour until you reach the desired density leaving you with more pancake mixture that you have originally desired.However, that is not a problem there’s never enough pancakes anyway.For this recipe, you will need coconut milk, oil, and flour, some vanilla extract, eggs, and baking powder.If you like, you can add chopped up almond or nuts to the mixture as an alternative to blueberries (blueberries have little sugar in them, so it might be forgivable to put a handful into the mixture).Serve them while they are still warm, and avoid using maple syrup or honey. If you need something for the taste, try almond milk.10. Cinnamon CookiesA snack alternative that is not only delicious but due to the cinnamon it has anti-inflammatory properties.Onc e again, you will use coconut flour, and coconut, almond or cashew butter.Mix flour with butter, add eggs cinnamon, a little vanilla extract (pay attention that it is organic) and a pinch of salt. Use stevia as a sweetener.After the mixture is well blended together, shape the cookies, you can use a spoon or any of your favorite ways of molding cookies.Put it in the preheated oven to bake until they are brown.Wait for them to cool and serve, or put them in a bowl on the table so anyone can enjoy the taste and have a quick healthy snack.The nut butter and coconut oil are a great source for healthy fats and amino acids.CANDIDA-FRIENDLY JUICESAnd what about your daily dose of juices?Well, you can make vegetable juices that help fight off the infection.Due to the minerals and fibers found in fresh vegetables, you will also improve your immune system and digestion by aiding the process of eliminating the root cause of the Candidiasis in the first place.11. Tomato-Celery JuiceAll you need to do to enjoy this juice is to add the ingredients to the juicer or blend together in a blender if you desire a thicker consistency.What you would need is one large tomato, one celery stick, 4 large leaves of spinach and some parsley leaves. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and put them in a juicer or blender.The minerals and vitamins will make you feel energized.If you are feeling like you particularly need a pick-me-up drink with friends, make this juice in the evening time, decorate the glass with a celery stick and enjoy an alcohol-free Bloody Mary, the ingredients are similar. Cheers!12. Green JuiceGreen juices are rich in minerals and fibers and as such great for a morning drink, especially if you know that coffee is not allowed during the candida diet (if you really need that type of taste, try chicory).Green juices provide you with nutrients and give you that energy boost to continue with your day.Add coconut or almond milk to make a smoothie -it will keep you full for a long er time and it will be a great post-workout drink.For this wake-up juice you will need spinach, 1 cucumber, 1 celery stick, and half an inch of ginger and the juice of one lemon. Place the vegetables in a juicer and serve.The added ginger will help to fight off the Candida infection as it has antifungal properties that are scientifically proven.It acts very fast, and helping with Candida is not the only thing it does. It soothes inflammations, helps with nausea and immunity.USE OF HERBS TO AID CANDIDA DISCOMFORTHerbs are also an important part of a nutrition plan that is designed to fight against candida.Those herbs can be used as spices, added to the food and consumed naturally, like with oregano and cinnamon for example.However, they come in a form of oils that are used as supplements.Their use is not restricted to Candida only, as they have many beneficial traits and some can be used orally and externally as well.The most common for the fight against Candida are oregano, clove, m yrrh, calendula, and pau darc.Find them in a spice section of a supermarket or in a pharmacy.FINAL WORDThe bottom line for keeping Candida that is naturally in your body in check is leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle. You are now familiar with underlying causes of Candida, as well as with ways to prevent and treat it.Following a diet, as restrictive as Candida diet can be excruciating, but if you manage to kick it out of your system and improve your immune system, digestion and overall health of your body, you do not have to deal with it ever again.Keeping up with the process helps you permanently end the struggles with Candidiasis.This persistent fungus is not dangerous in itself, but its overgrowth causes discomfort you can get rid of if you are patient and as persistent as the Candida itself.Hopefully, these nutritious suggestions will make it easier for you to go through the treatment plan feeling on a diet as little as possible and enjoying your favorite meals.

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